We are here to do our part for the bees. We believe we have an answer to their plight that will fortify them to continue their noble service on this planet.  

Dr Wil Spencer, Naturopath, VMSP, Author and Researcher is an advocate for Nature. His work extends into multiple areas of investigative research and education regarding human and environmental health. Identifying and restoring the degraded conditions of natural homeostasis, most often due to industrialization and the misunderstanding of the importance of microorganisms. From the conviction that nature has evolved with an innate wisdom of energetic signatures influencing and interrelating with one another forming a natural, healthy terrain of co-existence, Wil believes all conditions of illness and imbalance are correctible through restoring the elements of nature’s design. Wil has applied this conviction successfully in his work reversing and healing conditions of human health, animal health, plant health, including reversing the affects of genetic modification and increasing the nutritive values of food, reversing the many issues of honey bee health, restoring vitality to soils and compost, water purification and air quality.

Wil speaks at seminars, on webinars, youtube, web radio interviews and holds classes throughout North America on topics of Genetically Modified Food and Organisms, Pesticide use, Soil and Environmental Health, Diet and Food, Sustainable Farming Practices, Green Building Techniques, How to Be Healthy in This Chemical Soup of an Environment, Spirituality, Consciousness, etc. He has a long history of humanitarian involvement, having served as a member, lobbyist and officer for several environmental groups, namely Minnesota Pesticide Awareness (MnPA), Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA), Minnesota Natural Health Coalition, Healthy Legacy, Organic Consumers Association, Food Alliance, Institute for Responsible Technology, and Natural Solutions Foundation. Wil has served in air and water quality testing and monitoring and has been certified as an Air Quality Sampler. Additionally he is a long standing member in the Weston A Price Foundation.

Wil has accomplished several studies successfully working with commercial honey bees, restoring them from near collapse to full recovery, accomplishing pollination and producing a honey crop in the same season treatment began.

Wil’s background and training began with an intimate understanding of agricultural practices and the industries associated with food processing and distribution. Having severe personal health challenges as a result of being raised in a conventional agricultural environment, Wil’s quest for self cure resulted in an extensive, unconventional educational process producing in him a deep understanding and appreciation for nature and the ability to assist others in their recovery, including our friends, the honey bees.

Wil Spencer, VMSP


Our innocent little Friends, the honey bees,

are facing difficult times in spite of  a completely natural lifestyle, doing exactly what nature has programmed them to do, which is build their hives, pollinate the world, and make honey.

In today’s world, little do the bees understand that the problems with  their innately natural functions lies in the degradation of their natural environment. Even less, are they able to defend themselves.

The bees need help! They are under stress!

Their numbers are steadily declining from hardships and large numbers of them die off as colonies collapse.

The bees are starving!

Much needed minerals and microorganisms are no longer in their environment.

The bees are being poisoned! 

They are frequently exposed to pesticides during pollination.

They are pollinating genetically modified foods with pesticides built into them.

Pollution is a constant irritant to their survival.

 Commercial bees are homeless!

They are continually being moved for the purpose of pollination.

The bees have lost immunity!

They have become susceptible to predators, pests, bacteria, viruses and fungus

Their digestive processes are compromised

They are far more sensitive to pesticides

Weak bees produce weaker offspring each generation

Bees are forced to expend undue energy on survival

They cannot pollinate efficiently

They die off and their numbers decline

This degradation is reversible by supplementing the honey bees with nutrients no longer available in their natural environment.

The bees will regain their natural immunity and strength

They will regain their ability to decontaminate their hives

They will live and thrive in their current environment     

Providing our proprietary blends of  broad spectrums of minerals and microorganisms;

  • Fortifies and strengthens the bees’ ability to resist diseases
  • Improves digestion and assimilation
  • Chelates pollution and pesticides from their bodies
  • Builds immunity from bacterium, fungi, viruses, pests
  • Improves homing instincts
  • Cleans and decontaminates the hive
  • Enables the bees to deal with stress
  • Enhances pollination activity
  • Rebuilds reproductive vitality
  • Produces stronger, more viable young
  • Decreases mortality (die off)
  • Increases population, resolves decline
  • Replaces the need for pesticide use within the hive
  • Eliminates the need for antibiotic or other drug treatments

Pesticides and toxins have the obvious effect of killing the honey bees that come in direct contact with them, but it does not stop with contact poisoning. There now exists a long list of diseases affecting the bee colonies from parasites to bacteria, viruses, fungi and genetically modified agriculture, as well as a little understood, fairly recent phenomenon called CCD or Colony Collapse Disorder.

In reality, we must ask what is actually taking place. Parasites, bacteria, viruses and fungi are integral players in the game of life. They exist in a natural balance, with nature, unless the delicate balance is somehow off set.

Nature is designed with checks and balances which ensure survival of the fittest in order to keep its populations strong. Extinction happens when balance is lost and a species weakens. A chain reaction follows until a new balance develops in a natural selection befitting the altered conditions. A simple basic concept.

Through  research and study, and  clinical and personal experience, we have come to believe, with conviction, that the direction currently being taken in the attempt to solve the dilemma with the bees is erroneous. Parasites, viruses, fungi, mold and bacteria are nature’s remedy for dead, dying and damaged tissue. Their presence in an organism indicates that the organism is compromised. Remove the cause of the dead, dying and damaged tissue and the parasites, viruses, fungi, mold and bacteria no longer have a host, or a food supply.

Nature provides the means for organisms to maintain a healthy homeostasis free of fodder for pestilence. However, nature itself is compromised in its lack of sufficient nutritional elements for organisms to sustain homeostasis. Supplementation of these elements will restore the means for natural homeostasis whereby resistance, recovery and defense from parasites, viruses, fungi, mold and bacteria is achieved.

Genetically modified agriculture contains altered genes that transfer to the bees through their food. These altered genes affect the micro organisms of the digestive tract of the honey bee which in turn directly affects the bees. We need to be clear here that what is being genetically altered in these crops is in an effort to make crops bug proof, infusing pesticides into their genetic structure while many of these same plants depend on bees for pollination. These altered plants are now recognized as weakened by nature and by natural selection attract pests, thus requiring heavier applications of pesticides.

Pollution comes in many forms, some forms are intentional, as in pesticide applications, and many forms of pollution simply occur as unconscious by-products of unrelated industrial processes. Regardless of the source, pollution is an accepted inconvenience that can and does upset nature’s balance. It is also fairly certain that pollution is not going away or at least not soon.

Defense against invasion in a body, also known as immunity, depends upon certain basic elements contained in a biologically and electrically correct diet. requires food supply, digestive processing, hydration, and immunity, which is supported by proper nutrition.

It is easier to recognize what pollution is doing to the bees than what it is doing to their food supply, digestion and immunity. More than by killing the bees directly these pollutants and genetically modified crops have their biggest impact on micro organisms.

Due to conventional agricultural practices and rampant industrial pollution there has been a huge degradation of micro organisms in the soil. These micro organisms are vital and integral ingredients to the bee’s digestion and immunity. Not only do they play an important role in digestive processing they provide a natural chelation, protecting the bees from effects of toxins and pollutants, thus strengthening their immunity.

We assert that without a sufficient micro organism population the bees cannot survive and with a healthy population they will thrive. A well nourished bee with a strong immune system will resist natural threats such as parasites, bacteria, viruses, fungus and CCD.

Our VibrantBees probiotics offer the honey bee just that, better digestive parameters and the added immunity and natural chelation of environmental pollution.

When you offer the VibrantBees probiotics to your honey bees you are offering hope to the future of the planet and all who are directly or indirectly effected by the honey bees’ job.

My work is referenced from Dr. Carl Oppenheimer, holding a number of PhD’s in various fields, most noted for microbiology, and Dr. Boyd O’Donnell, soil scientist and researcher, both of whom have acclaimed agricultural and bio-remediation research. Continuing from their theories with my own research and experience, using my own hives, I have developed effective methods for honey bee and hive treatment. My findings concur with the Drs. Oppenheimer and O’Donnell as to the lack of microorganisms in the environment, both internally and externally, leading to the systemic problems manifesting in the entire commercial beekeeping industry as a whole.

The issues are compromised digestion and immunity, contamination in the hive and in the honey bee itself, and insufficient elements in their diet. I have applied my clinical experience working with human, animal, and plant health, finding the same deficiencies at the root of all forms of life. In order to sustain the current pollination and honey needs it is evident that supplementation of these elements is paramount.

The source of decline and die off is rooted in malnutrition due to diminishment of minerals and microorganisms in the environment.

Malnourishment is exacerbated by the following stress conditions;

  • The bees are being continually moved for the purposes of pollination.
  • They are frequently exposed to pesticides during pollination.
  • Pollution is a constant irritant to their survival.

The results of these conditions are;

  • The immunity is weakened and the bees are now susceptible to predatory pests, bacterium, viruses and fungi
  • Digestive processes are compromised
  • They are far more sensitive to ill effects of pesticides
  • Weakened bees produce weaker offspring each generation
  • Bees are forced to expend undue energy on survival
  • They are unable to perform optimal pollination activity
  • They die off and their numbers decline

This process of degradation is reversible

Providing our proprietary blends of broad spectrums of minerals, enzymes,  and microorganisms;

  • Fortifies and strengthens the bees’ ability to resist diseases
  • Improves digestion and assimilation
  • Chelates pollution and pesticides from their bodies
  • Builds immunity from bacterium, fungi, viruses, pests
  • Improves homing instincts
  • Cleans and decontaminates the hive
  • Enables the bees to deal with stress
  • Enhances pollination activity
  • Rebuilds reproductive vitality
  • Produces stronger, more viable young
  • Decreases mortality (die off)
  • Increases population, resolves decline
  • Replaces the need for pesticide use within the hive
  • Eliminates the need for antibiotic or other drug treatments

By supplementing the honey bees with nutrients no longer available in their natural environment they will;

  • regain their natural immunity and strength
  • regain the ability to decontaminate their hives
  • gain the ability to live and thrive in their current environment

In the early 19th century  Sir Albert Howard, an  Imperial Chemical Botanist from Britain, is quoted saying, “ The use of synthetic chemical fertilizers leads to imperfectly synthesized protein in plants and thus results in many of the diseases found in plants, insects, animals and human beings.” His focus toward correcting these diseases was through maintenance of soil fertility and biological diversity among the aforementioned organisms.

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